Thursday, March 14, 2013

Land bewteen the Lakes 23k Trail Race

March 9, 2013
Land between the Lakes Trail Race, Grand River, Ky

One of the climbs over looking the water
This race offers a lot of choices for runners. You have a 10k that is street only, 23k, marathon, 60k and a 50 miler. Race starts at 6:30 am which was the day before daylight savings so we had plenty of day light at the beginning of the race. The race starts down at the Lighthouse Landing so there is a nice view of all the boats and we witnessed a beautiful sunrise while waiting. 
Lighthouse Landing

I started toward the back of the line and this was my view while waiting for the race to start. The race started just a few minutes late and once we took off and it was a slight climb until we passed the bridge.
Kentucky Lake

Kentucky Lake

 It was a small race around 800 people and I met a few friends from home and started out with them. The temps were better than the weatherman predicted, it was warmer in the morning and not as warm later in the day. Our morning quickly turned into an overcast day which I think helped keep the temps lower, temps were between 41* and the mid 60s. My gear consist of CWX shorts, long sleeves shirt with a short sleeves underneath, a pair of arm warmers,  Gold Toe compression socks and NBWTS560 trail shoes. I used to use Body Glide but for the last year I started using the Aquaphor Adv Therapy Healing Ointment on my feet and it has cut way down on my toe blisters.  I carried my Nathan camelbak mostly so I could carry my phone/camera so I could take pictures. I ate a Clif bar for fuel and I carried water. I wore a big black trash bag at the start which I threw away once we started to run.
Start at Lighthouse Landing

The race starts on the road and goes for about 1.9 miles down a two-lane road to the first aid station and then there you get on the Canal Loop and it takes you around the peninsula and you can see Barkley Lake and Kentucky Lake for some of the run. There were 5 aids stations at miles 1.9, 5.25, 7.87, 11, and 13 which was the same as the first aid station. At the first aid station was the bag drop area. Port-o-potties were at every aid station and plenty of water or Heed, Gatorade and some food. I just grabbed a water and kept going so I really didn't look at the food.
I have been sick for the last week and wasn't even sure I would run but I decided to go and make my mind up that Saturday morning. Lucky me, I was feeling well enough to run and had planned on going out easy and slow and play tourist and take pictures. I was with my friend, Lori, who was wanting to run faster and a longer time interval. I was doing the 2/1s because I had been having butt pain near my sit bones and I hadn't ran this week at all only  a little pool running. We kind of helped each other out, me slowing her down and her keeping me from going too slow. My goal was only to finish the race, no time goal except maybe to finish in 4 hours or less.

Barkley Lake in background

There are a lot of spots where you over look the lakes. We started out on the side that was surrounded by Barkley Lake and then came back by Kentucky Lake.

Barkley Lake

Lori and I with Barkley Lake behind us
Elevation of the 23k loop
On the map I have marked all the aid stations except for the first one which was right were the trail started but its the same as the 4th listed here. As you can see you have to cross the bridge to get to the park.
Map of Land between Lake Trail Race

Everyone starts out at the same time no matter which race you were doing. Since there was a 2 mile run on the road, people had a chance to settle in where they would be with others at their pace. So by the time we reached the trail head there wasn't a lot of traffic to get around.

Kentucky Lake   

My hip pain started around mile 3 and I also started to get some calf pain behind the left knee but I was able to contiune to do the 2/1 unless I was climbing a hill which I just walked. I slowed down a lot between the 3rd and 4th aid stations since I stopped for the PP but never used because someone was in there a long time and there were a few more folks in front of me. I just couldn't get myself to wait any longer. We had more hills in this section but they weren't as big as the one after the 4th aid station.

Canal Loop

You got your picture taking at 3 locations but by the time I got to the finish line I didn't see anyone there to take it so a friend of mine took this one. My official finish time was 3:28:11 which I was very happy to have. My ride home was slightly uncomfortably but I had carried my little ice packs with me and sat on them and they helped a lot with the pain.

We got a really cool looking medallion for finishing the 23k and full. The 60k and 50 miler received a belt buckle. There were a few course records this year, I know for the 23k and full but don't know about the other two.

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