Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Its a new year!

A new year, a new age and a new challenge. I hope this year is going to be better and continue to get better. I haven’t written here in a few years so I am now in my sixties and still trying to do what I did in my 50s and 40s and it’s not where I was but I am still out there and still going and doing crazy stuff! Hopefully, I will do better this time at keeping up with some posts of places I have gone to.

New challenge is an one month 4 days a week 5k run, walk, hike or 10k bike and then 3 days of strength training. This has encouraged me to start doing Yoga again. Since the pandemic I haven’t found a class I like since my girl moved out of town. I have lost so much mobility and feel tight all the time.

I guess I should talk about last year. I was really happy with the way it went, no real injuries to stop me and even got to run 1 mile in a new state that I visited that I haven’t ran in before, that was great because I know I will never do the Marathon 50 state. July was my best month of the year, I went to Fla to visit my daughter and then later after coming home for a few days headed out west. I went with my son and friend to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, So Dakota  and Ark. We hiked at Yellowstone NP and the Grand Tetons NP. The only place that I didn’t need my one mile was Ark, I run over there a few times a year. It was an awesome vacation month!

I did a lot of races last year, two marathons, 1 – trail, Almira and 1 road – St Jude Marathon. Lots of trail fun races over in Ark, love running Mt. Magazine and Mt. Nebo. I even camped out for these runs. I did two 25k trail races, Grits and Guts and Walking Tall (4th one). There was two half marathons, Big River Crossing and MRTC Half marathon. Plus a lot of misc runs/races both road and trails.

I hit all my goals I set up last year, 1628 m, 469:04 hours of exercises, and 95,054’ of elevation. 5,054,054 steps and Annie, my dog, got 134 miles with me. 

So here are some of my highlights of last year on the trails or roads. 

Pub crawl run w/family Melbourne, Fl
Melbourne, Fla
Yellowstone Canyon Lower Falls
Cascade Creek Grand Tetons

Inspiration Point, Grand Tetons




Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Running when you don't feel like it!

Sunday, I spent the afternoon with my oldest son at his Crawfish cookout. It was really good but man, that sodium is crazy! I knew it would affect me the next day which it really did. We are having rain this week when I need to be getting a 6 mile run so I had to either run it when I felt very thick or run it in the rain. I decided to run it on Monday and get it out of the way.
I don't know how many times I told myself I did not want to run today. I think I told my family members a few times too because I really didn't want to run. I just wasn't feel really great. So, I decided just to go and just walk as much as I have to just to get it done. This was going to be a lonely run because Annie had a freak accident with the Kurgo seat belt tether and it hurt her leg. She all better now but no running or walking for her for a few days.
It was slow to start and I had to walk so much, it felt a lot harder physically than my heart rate was showing. It was even hard to breath at times but I just kept going.  made it a loop back by the house so I could drop off my jacket and stuff I didn't need any more. Then headed back out for the rest of the miles. I was now running longer before walk breaks and my heart rate wasn't as bad. I was having negative splits on some of the miles.
I told myself, I really needed to get this run in because I might feel like this on the 50k later this year and I will still have to run. This was a good training run for that reason. I was happy that I made myself get out there and get it done. It was a really pretty day to get out to run.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Running at the Farms

Never thought I would find new trails at Shelby Farms Park! I went around a pond that I have before but never knew there was a horse trail that back there! I didn't get to go very far because I had to be back to the car to run with some friends. I am looking forward to going back and seeing where it goes and how far it goes also.
I had a great run with my dog, Annie and friend, Stacy. We ran the Tour de Wolf trail and came across a few folks with their dogs since the dog park is very close by. Even though the weather was a little warmer we had the overcast skies and some wind to keep us cooler. Trails were muddy in the lower areas but we only had to walk around them.
I got in 8.75 miles just short of the 9.5 - 10 miles I wanted to do because I broke my long run into 3 different runs because I got there earlier. I thought I had more miles, I just didn’t add it up! Oh well, I was getting a blister on my big toe and it was getting tender even with me putting a band-aid with lube on it. It didn't get any worst so I am okay to run again!
Lately I have been listening to podcasts on my runs but today I didn't use my IPod at all and just listen to my friend and talked. Back to the IPod, I am enjoying listening about others talk about trail running and all the training going into it. I haven't mentioned it here but 1.5 years ago I had a Cochlear Implant put in and I am enjoying hearing the sounds that I have been missing out on for a long time. That is why I have enjoyed listening to the podcast and able to understand a lot of what they are saying. Plus its blue tooth so no more ear phones!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I still haven’t finished writing out my training schedule yet for my 50k in Oct. I did count out the weeks before the race – 31 weeks. My goal right now is to start strengthening my legs’ weak areas like the gluteus medius muscles and somehow get my knee well enough for the nagging pain to go away. I am adding more leg and hip exercises so I don’t have a lot of problems with my sciatic nerve pain and ITB.
My week has been going well with my workouts - runs, walks, and gym time. Right now I am just trying to get a base going on my runs. I want to be stronger this year so I won't be so worn out when my mileage gets longer. Just doing 8 miles made me tired later in the day but I am really hoping that it’s from a bad night sleep.

I started using Strava a few months ago, and some of my workouts were loaded up from last year when I was doing a lot of running and training for other races. I made it up to 18 miles at the Hot Springs 18 miler before the plantar fasciitis got bad. I found this chart and I feel it really shows my effort and training. It gives me a goal to get back to. 

Enough of that let me tell you about my trail run with Annie! I love running the trails with her. I would take her with me all the time if I could, she just not too friendly with other dogs. I keep her on the leash the whole time for that reason. She does great following the trail and very rarely does she go the wrong way when coming up to a post or tree in the middle of a trail. She stays with me so no wrap around with the leash. 

Ah, the warm weather has finally returned! No more waiting until later in the morning to get out of the house to run or walk. I didn't sleep well at all the night before so I really stayed in longer than I had planned on; it was already 64 degrees when Annie and I stepped on the trails right around 9 am. 

Today’s goal was eight miles and we got it done. Of course, I was nervous about this considering the plantar fasciitis and knee pain that I have been having. Would I be able to finish it out without hurting myself or being too tired? The answer was yes, I was able to finish and finish strong. It’s amazing how you can doubt yourself but I think it helps you keep yourself going. 

Over looking the Wolf River being really high
Not many folks out but did run into a few friends. I wondered if it was just too late in the morning or that we had some rain the night before. It’s nice to have the whole trail to yourself. There is a section off of the trail that I like to take Annie down to the water. With all the rain and high waters, there is more sand deposits so it’s thicker and harder to run/walk on. She loves to wade in the water. This helps me keep her on the trails longer in the summer when the weather starts getting really hot. 

I used my Nathan camelback to keep our water in. Annie does well with drinking the stream from the hose. I carried 2 Hammer Gels and took half of one every 30 minutes and I also took 2 endurolytes every 30 minutes. On the way home I stopped and got a small chocolate milk to drink for recovery. Normally, I don’t do this on a short distance like this but I need to get in the habit again and finding what works and doesn’t.

Right before getting started, we both have on green for St Patrick's Day!

Friday, March 9, 2018

Aches and pains be gone!

We have been having some colder temps and lots of rain for the last two weeks. I don't want to go out and been forcing myself to go. My knee is starting to feel a little better and I have been running about 3 times a week with Annie. My long runs aren't very long maybe 5-6 miles. Yesterday, I finally got in a trail run for 6 miles and it was still muddy but only in spots so it was very doable. I really enjoyed this run because it's the first time that everything didn't hurt! No knee pain or inner thigh pain. Still got a little plantar fasciitis going on but its goes away after a mile or so and I have been taping it up. I felt guilty leaving Annie at home but I went to the yoga class and the park is basically just around the corner.

Here are some pictures from Shelby Farms Park on the Tour de Wolf trail.
The muddy part of the trails

I don't think anyone will be eating at this table any time soon.

Water is way up.
I am hoping I am on the mend now because I signed up for the Big Hill Pond 50k in Oct 2018. I can't believe I have committed myself to this. I have done 2-50ks trail races and a 51 miler in 24 hours but it was in 2010 and 2011 and I seem to get up to 18 miles before I start having issues. I am hoping Annie will be able to do the race with me. She really loves to run and can go all day long. She did great at the Village Creek 25k last year.
Around the turn around point. Village Creek 25k

I am starting back on my leg route where I work on the gluteus minimus. Lot of side lying leg lifts, band walks and other stuff. This really helped with my ITB problems. Also, I am going to try to do a better job of getting in my steps each day. I am hoping this will help me with spending more time on my feet later on when I need it. Annie and I got out for a refresher on heeling next to me since she is so used to pulling me when we run.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

A sunny February day trail run

Its been a while since I have posted here. I have been thinking about just doing some short posts of my trail runs with my dog, Annie. The weather in Memphis has been rainy all week and today we finally got some sun with nice temps.
My running hasn't been happening lately because of plantar fasciitis and some knee pain from tripping on a  New Year Eve run. So now I am starting my distance back up and just doing 5 miles had my inner thighs sore! I hope this doesn't last very long.

Today we ran the Wolf River Trails off the Wolf River. The trail was in good shape with minimum amount of mud puddles. Of course, Annie had to run through all of them. I call her my little Warthog some times cause she just seems to love the mud!  Saw this small group of ducks from the trail.  
 Annie was actually muddy but you couldn't tell from our foot photo. Once we got home she got a shower and got all cleaned up.
Here's Annie loving the water, don't like to swim in it but loves to wade and splash around it in.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Land bewteen the Lakes 23k Trail Race

March 9, 2013
Land between the Lakes Trail Race, Grand River, Ky

One of the climbs over looking the water
This race offers a lot of choices for runners. You have a 10k that is street only, 23k, marathon, 60k and a 50 miler. Race starts at 6:30 am which was the day before daylight savings so we had plenty of day light at the beginning of the race. The race starts down at the Lighthouse Landing so there is a nice view of all the boats and we witnessed a beautiful sunrise while waiting. 
Lighthouse Landing

I started toward the back of the line and this was my view while waiting for the race to start. The race started just a few minutes late and once we took off and it was a slight climb until we passed the bridge.
Kentucky Lake

Kentucky Lake

 It was a small race around 800 people and I met a few friends from home and started out with them. The temps were better than the weatherman predicted, it was warmer in the morning and not as warm later in the day. Our morning quickly turned into an overcast day which I think helped keep the temps lower, temps were between 41* and the mid 60s. My gear consist of CWX shorts, long sleeves shirt with a short sleeves underneath, a pair of arm warmers,  Gold Toe compression socks and NBWTS560 trail shoes. I used to use Body Glide but for the last year I started using the Aquaphor Adv Therapy Healing Ointment on my feet and it has cut way down on my toe blisters.  I carried my Nathan camelbak mostly so I could carry my phone/camera so I could take pictures. I ate a Clif bar for fuel and I carried water. I wore a big black trash bag at the start which I threw away once we started to run.
Start at Lighthouse Landing

The race starts on the road and goes for about 1.9 miles down a two-lane road to the first aid station and then there you get on the Canal Loop and it takes you around the peninsula and you can see Barkley Lake and Kentucky Lake for some of the run. There were 5 aids stations at miles 1.9, 5.25, 7.87, 11, and 13 which was the same as the first aid station. At the first aid station was the bag drop area. Port-o-potties were at every aid station and plenty of water or Heed, Gatorade and some food. I just grabbed a water and kept going so I really didn't look at the food.
I have been sick for the last week and wasn't even sure I would run but I decided to go and make my mind up that Saturday morning. Lucky me, I was feeling well enough to run and had planned on going out easy and slow and play tourist and take pictures. I was with my friend, Lori, who was wanting to run faster and a longer time interval. I was doing the 2/1s because I had been having butt pain near my sit bones and I hadn't ran this week at all only  a little pool running. We kind of helped each other out, me slowing her down and her keeping me from going too slow. My goal was only to finish the race, no time goal except maybe to finish in 4 hours or less.

Barkley Lake in background

There are a lot of spots where you over look the lakes. We started out on the side that was surrounded by Barkley Lake and then came back by Kentucky Lake.

Barkley Lake

Lori and I with Barkley Lake behind us
Elevation of the 23k loop
On the map I have marked all the aid stations except for the first one which was right were the trail started but its the same as the 4th listed here. As you can see you have to cross the bridge to get to the park.
Map of Land between Lake Trail Race

Everyone starts out at the same time no matter which race you were doing. Since there was a 2 mile run on the road, people had a chance to settle in where they would be with others at their pace. So by the time we reached the trail head there wasn't a lot of traffic to get around.

Kentucky Lake   

My hip pain started around mile 3 and I also started to get some calf pain behind the left knee but I was able to contiune to do the 2/1 unless I was climbing a hill which I just walked. I slowed down a lot between the 3rd and 4th aid stations since I stopped for the PP but never used because someone was in there a long time and there were a few more folks in front of me. I just couldn't get myself to wait any longer. We had more hills in this section but they weren't as big as the one after the 4th aid station.

Canal Loop

You got your picture taking at 3 locations but by the time I got to the finish line I didn't see anyone there to take it so a friend of mine took this one. My official finish time was 3:28:11 which I was very happy to have. My ride home was slightly uncomfortably but I had carried my little ice packs with me and sat on them and they helped a lot with the pain.

We got a really cool looking medallion for finishing the 23k and full. The 60k and 50 miler received a belt buckle. There were a few course records this year, I know for the 23k and full but don't know about the other two.