Sunday, February 18, 2018

A sunny February day trail run

Its been a while since I have posted here. I have been thinking about just doing some short posts of my trail runs with my dog, Annie. The weather in Memphis has been rainy all week and today we finally got some sun with nice temps.
My running hasn't been happening lately because of plantar fasciitis and some knee pain from tripping on a  New Year Eve run. So now I am starting my distance back up and just doing 5 miles had my inner thighs sore! I hope this doesn't last very long.

Today we ran the Wolf River Trails off the Wolf River. The trail was in good shape with minimum amount of mud puddles. Of course, Annie had to run through all of them. I call her my little Warthog some times cause she just seems to love the mud!  Saw this small group of ducks from the trail.  
 Annie was actually muddy but you couldn't tell from our foot photo. Once we got home she got a shower and got all cleaned up.
Here's Annie loving the water, don't like to swim in it but loves to wade and splash around it in.